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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Are You Frustrated?

Just the other day I was asked a simply compelling question.

Do you ever get frustrated?

I had to think for a moment. No, not because I can't remember if I ever get frustrated. I get frustrated, angry, annoyed, discombobulated, out-of-sorts, reticent and fed up. I can list examples of each and examples for those examples, indicating just when and where I have allowed the cold embrace of each to direct my actions. Experiencing those feelings was not the issue.

What I was reluctant to do was admit to those feelings. As a Christian, as a pastor, were such human emotions allowed to spring forth and even more importantly to which I should admit?

Of course they are. But in many circles today it is expected that such feelings should be squelched. Push them down as far as you can until they have to look up to see the sole of your show, then never, ever admit to such evil desires! To which I say poppycock. Or pish-posh. Or ridiculous. Pick your generational favorite.

Frustration, anger and all the others are natural human emotions. It is not for us to be required to live in their total absence. They will pop up from time to time. Admitting to their existence is no crime. God does not want us to exist as robots with no emotions. But He does tell us what to do when such emotions become overwhelming.

1 Peter 5:7 gives us those instructions. "Cast all your anxiety upon him because he cares about you" (NIV). Take out anxiety and replace it with any of the other words. Frustration. Annoyance. Anger. God does not expect us to be perfect in our emotions. He does expect us to know what to do with them.

So yes, I have gotten frustrated. I have been frustrated time and again. But I have learned that in those times of frustration is when I need to call out to God. I call out to Him and beg Him to cover that frustration with His grace. And He has never failed to provide.   

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