Because I said so.
How many of us heard that as children - or even adults - and
wondered to ourselves "what kind of explanation is that?" The
response might have befuddled us yet we had no recourse from lack of age or
experience, and took it for what it was meant to be - an order and an end to
the conversation.
From a human perspective this answer can be quite
frustrating. "Because I said so" does not quell the litany of
questions that arise. "Who are you and what are your qualifications to
make such a proclamation?", "Is there special insight that you have
that I don't?" and "Do you have the power to enforce this reasoning
once you've made it?" are just a few.
Now when it comes to parents and children, for the most part
we can reconcile that the parent have (or at least should have) more knowledge,
common sense and experience to make the proper informed decision that is best.
Again, this is a generality - there are always exceptions that prove the rule.
But what about when a peer gives this reasoning? Are we not more inclined to
raise an eyebrow at that person, questioning both their reasoning and their
opinion of whom they directed their comments? It is safe to conclude that when
presented with such rationale we find it hard to converse again with such obvious
But what if God used such reasoning? Why would do that you
may ask? Well, one look no further than Job to find such an occurrence. After
torment and terror was rained down on this righteous man, and after all manner
of friends had come by to try and support this stricken fellow, Job threw up
his arms and shot questions at God that demanded answers.
"Why, why, why?!?" was hurled at the one Job
counted on for understanding.
And you know what the answer was? "Because I said
Ok, so it wasn't put so clumsily. But that was the spirit of
the response. God laid out to Job that the reason all this happened was God's
to understand. There was not going to be a point by point explanation that
satisfied Job. Instead, God rightfully expressed that Job was not going to
understand. God knew best and Job was going to have to accept that and be
settled. Like a parent to their child, "because I said so" was going
to have to suffice.
But unlike a parent to their child, or a peer to a peer,
"because I said so" from God more than suffices. Why? Because unlike fallible
humans, we can rely on that fact that God does not make mistakes. We can know
in our hearts that He is infinitely smarter, clearer and more righteous than we
could ever be, and in that we can rest. God has taken care of everything in the
past, takes care of everything now, and will continue to take care of
everything into the future. There is a totality to His rule and a universal
reach to His love. We may not get the answer we like, and we may very well not
like that we can't understand, but we do know that there is one who does.
From the lips of man "because I said so," can ring
hollow. But from the voice of God there can be nothing more comforting.
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