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Friday, August 6, 2010


Driving a great distance to see an ailing family memeber leaves little time for one to find the funny. Such an activity can often lead to anxiety, distress and an overwhelming feeling of helplessness. However, on a recent trip, I was able to see God shine His funny.
Part of our family spent a week caring for a sick and injured family memeber. When it was apparent that the brother we had been visiting would be able to take care of himself again, we prepared to leave. On a lark and as an aside, I suggested to one of our traveling companions that he choose a portion of Philemon to write on our brothers dry erase board as an encouragement. Now Philemon isn't exactly the mighty Mississippi of books, and out of a mere 25 verses I wasn't wholly assurd that he could find anything relevant to our situation.
But like Thomas, my doubts were unfounded.
Verse 22 states "at the same time also prepare me a lodging, for I hope that through your prayers I will be given to you." Paul didn't write it to us, but it was most surprising to find such an appropriate and encouraging statement.
Such a small book, with such a big verse.
Now THAT'S funny.

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